A typical process for making improvements
Get information to help you find out which energy saving measures might be suitable for your home and any grants or loans which may be available.
Freephone 0800 038 5680

Have your home surveyed

Receive a quote
Obtain two or more quotes to get help you find the right measures at the right price. Where the measures are grant funded one quote may be sufficient.

Arrange your finances
Your quote should include a breakdown of the cost of the works, the amount of grant you are able to access from the different funding streams and the amount you will need to pay yourself.
See Grants, Loans and Support for more information about help to cover the costs.

Arrange your installation
If the proposed works affect the external appearance of the property, or if you live in a listed building, you should check whether planning permission or listed building consent are required. If so, this will need to be in place before works can commence.

After your installation
Please fill in and return any completion documents and provide feedback about your experience of the work to your home.
To start your journey to a warmer home contact the Energy at Home Advice Service