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Submitting a planning application for solid wall insulation

NB As of January 2015, architectural drawings are no longer a requirement as part of a planning application for external wall insulation within B&NES, and can be replaced instead by annotated photographs as outlined below.


Below are some pointers to will help you when making an application for planning permission for external wall insulation. Don’t forget if you have any questions about the process you can always call B&NES Council’s Development Management team on 01225 395041, or email them at


  1. One the page ‘Apply for Planning Permission’ you can read about the planning application process, find a link to complete an online application, or download application form to complete by hand (you’ll need a ‘Household Application’ form). We recommend completing an online form if possible, as it guides you through the process. 

  2. When completing the application form, here are some helpful pointers:

    • Description of proposed works – specify ‘external wall insulation’ if this is all you are applying for. 

    • Materials – under ‘walls’ add a simple description of the existing wall finish, such as ‘pebbledash’, and a similar short description for the proposed finish, like ‘white render’. You’ll need to tick ‘yes’ to indicate you’ll be ‘supplying additional information on submitted plan(s)/drawing(s)/design and access statement’, and quote file names. 

    • You only need to refer to other building elements if you are proposing changes to them as part of your planned works. 

    • Site visit – this is just a question about how easy it is for a planning officer to visit the site (i.e. is it accessible while the occupant is out at work, or do they need to be at home to let them in?).

    • Certificate – if you are the property owner, sign certificate A. If you are not the owner, sign Certificate B and serve Householder Application notice on the owner.

  3. More information could be found in Guidance Notes for Householder Applications here

  4. Supporting documents – in order to submit your application, you will need the following supporting documents: 

    • Site Location Plan – this shows the location of your property, and needs to be an up to date OS map, scale 1:1250, with the boundary marked in red (this can be marked on in red ink).  You may have one as a result of purchasing a house, or if not you can purchase one for £18.86. More details here.

    • Details of external wall insulation – this can either take the form of:

      • A square-on photo of each wall elevation (north/east/south/west) where the external wall insulation is to be applied. The photos should be labelled to show how each different material on each elevation is to be treated, and a product specification should be provided indicating the type (depth) and colour finish of the proposed product; OR

      • Architectural drawings detailing wall elevations where external wall insulation is to be applied, and including details of the type (depth) and colour finish of the proposed product. Note that any submitted plans must be to a recognised scale, and plans that include the words “Do Not Scale” will not be registered.

    • If the planning application is only for external wall insulation, then no floor plans, site plans or building sections are required.

    • A brief Design and access statement  will be required if your house is located  within a Conservation Area or the World Heritage Site. The statement need not be long, explaining the proposal and how a development is a suitable response to the site and its setting . 


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